These options are great for anyone who usually likes their Mac to fall asleep when they walk away from their computer, but not so much when they know the Mac is going to be sitting idle for a long period of time and they want to keep track of something on the screen, such as the download progress of a large file that’s taking hours to complete, or the installation of a huge app that’s taking seemingly forever to install. If you don’t want to disable your Mac’s ability outright to fall asleep, dim the display, or show a screensaver, there are some great temporary options available that you can use to keep your Mac from falling asleep for as long as you need it to. A temporary solution you can use all the time

If you like it when your Mac falls asleep when it’s convenient and not when it’s not convenient, then chances are you don’t have your Mac set to never fall asleep, but rather you live with annoyingly having to tap a key or touch the trackpad to wake it up when it idles for too long. When you’re away from your Mac for extended periods of time, depending on the settings you’ve set, it’s going to do one of four things: To disable screen savers for all users, change the Value Data to 1, or delete the keys you created.In this tutorial, we show you two easy ways to temporarily keep your Mac from falling asleep, dimming the display, or showing a screensaver for as long as you need to. Lastly, right-click on Desktop and select New > String Value and name that ScreenSaveActive. Next, right-click on Control Panel and select New > Key and name it Desktop. If so, right-click on the Windows key and select New > Key, and name it Control Panel. Many people don't have the Control Panel or Desktop keys. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Control Panel\Desktop. Log out or reboot for the changes to take effect.

The zip file you download contains two files - Disable Screen Saver Access.reg and Enable Screen Saver Access.reg. We found that the downloadable registry files are easier regardless of your skill level. You can edit the registry yourself further down, but many people will need to create a new key(s) and a new string. You can find all screen saver settings by pressing the Windows Key + S and type in screensaver. TIP: Hard to fix Windows Problems? Repair/Restore Missing Windows OS Files Damaged by Malware with a few clicks